Rough Plantation Maintenance and Restoration Project – Phase 2
This project lies entirely within Sequoia National Forest Lands on the Hume Lake Ranger District. The GBI is implementing this project under a Supplemental Project Agreement pursuant to a Master Stewardship Agreement between GBI and the US Forest Service. This project consists of cutting and removal of live and dead trees up to 20 […]
UMP – Post Fire Assessment – Silvicultural Services
The Great Basin Institute (GBI), on behalf of the U.S. Forest Service (“Forest Service”), Umpqua National Forest (UMP), intends to contract a qualified Consultant to provide comprehensive silvicultural services on the UMP for the Post-Fire Assessment Project (“the Project”). The Project is an intermediate analysis of recent fire impacts on the UMP from 2020-2023. […]
ENF – Caldor Fire Hazard Tree Removal Project Phase Two Roadside
The primary intent of this project is to remove Hazard Trees to improve safety along five National Forest Service system roads. The selected roads are open to the public and support access associated with emergency responses, law enforcement, private land access, contractors and general land management. This project lies entirely within the 2021 […]
ENF – Caldor Fire Road Assessment Project – Engineering Services
The Great Basin Institute (GBI), on behalf of the U.S. Forest Service (“Forest Service” or “FS”), Eldorado National Forest (ENF), intends to contract a qualified Civil Engineering consultant (“the consultant”) to provide environmental assessment services for forest stewardship actions on National Forest Lands. The GBI is implementing this project under a Supplemental Project Agreement pursuant […]
ENF – Caldor Fire Noxious Weeds Project
This project lies entirely within Sequoia National Forest Lands on the Western Divide Ranger District. The GBI is implementing this project under a Supplemental Project Agreement pursuant to a Master Stewardship Agreement between GBI and the US Forest Service.
This project consists of cutting and removal of dead trees up to 35 inches DBH in areas affected by high severity fire, and Hazard Tree cutting along roads accessing the project units.
ENF – Reservoir Forest Health Project
This project lies entirely within Sequoia National Forest Lands on the Western Divide Ranger District. The GBI is implementing this project under a Supplemental Project Agreement pursuant to a Master Stewardship Agreement between GBI and the US Forest Service.
This project consists of cutting and removal of dead trees up to 35 inches DBH in areas affected by high severity fire, and Hazard Tree cutting along roads accessing the project units.
Castle Fire Biomass Removal Project
This project lies entirely within Sequoia National Forest Lands on the Western Divide Ranger District. The GBI is implementing this project under a Supplemental Project Agreement pursuant to a Master Stewardship Agreement between GBI and the US Forest Service.
This project consists of cutting and removal of dead trees up to 35 inches DBH in areas affected by high severity fire, and Hazard Tree cutting along roads accessing the project units.
LTBMU – Caldor Fire Restoration Project – NEPA Services
The Great Basin Institute (GBI) has an agreement with the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) to produce the necessary National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit Caldor Fire Restoration Project. The GBI seeks proposals from qualified entities to support this NEPA document.
ENF – Mosquito Restoration and Wildfire Resiliency Project – NEPA Services
The Great Basin Institute (GBI) has an agreement with the Eldorado National Forest (ENF) to produce the necessary National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Mosquito Restoration and Wildfire Resiliency Project. The GBI seeks proposals from qualified entities to support this NEPA document.
Generals Highway Roadside Hazard Tree Removal
This project lies entirely within the Hume Lake Ranger District of Sequoia National Forest. GBI is implementing this project under a Supplemental Project Agreement pursuant to a Master Stewardship Agreement between GBI and the US Forest Service. This project consists of Hazard Tree cutting and removal, and purchase of sawtimber and biomass that meets specification for removal.