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North Castle Biomass Removal Project

Vast view of a forest with surrounding mountains under a blue sky

North Castle Biomass Removal Project


This project lies entirely within Sequoia National Forest Lands on the Western Divide Ranger District. The GBI is implementing this project under a Supplemental Project Agreement pursuant to a Master Stewardship Agreement between GBI and the US Forest Service.

This project consists of felling and removal of dead trees up to 34.9 inches DBH in areas that burned at high severity during the Castle Fire (2020), and hazard tree cutting along roads accessing the project units. The purpose of the project is to reduce hazardous fuels and prepare suitable ground for reforestation, and to improve safety along NFS roads for the public, Forest Service staff, firefighters, emergency response personnel, law enforcement, private land in holders, contractors, and others by removing hazard trees that are within striking distance of roads.

Methods of tree removal involve mechanized logging, including: feller bunchers and rubber-tired or track-mounted log skidders; cut-to-length systems that utilize an in-woods tree processor and log forwarder; conventional logging systems that employ timber fallers with chainsaws and rubber- or track-mounted log skidders.

Operation of equipment will be limited to areas where slopes are less than 35%. There are many instances where slopes greater than 35% may require tree removal. These areas will be limited to tracking equipment no more than 200 feet distance on existing skid trails. No skid trail creation will occur on slopes greater than 35%. In areas identified as suitable by the soil scientist and/or hydrologist, shovel logging or ground-based logging may be considered. Existing skid trails may be utilized to remove logs to a landing.

Trees and logs not meeting specifications for removal will be piled for USFS burning, masticated, or treated by other alternatives to reach a desired fuel load of 10-20 tons per acre remaining on site. Potential bidders should provide a detailed strategy for meeting fuels targets in their technical proposal.

Download Request for Bids (RFB) for North Castle Biomass Removal Project

 Download Hazard Tree Identification & Mitigation Report

Download Marking Guidelines for Injured Fire Trees in California

Download Wage Determination Contract Information

Download Camp Nelson Map

Download Lloyd Meadow Map

Download North Road Map

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