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Castle Fire Biomass Removal Project

Vast view of a forest with surrounding mountains under a blue sky

Castle Fire Biomass Removal Project

It is the intent of these specifications, terms, and conditions to describe the services GBI is seeking. GBI may award multiple contracts to the Bidders who best meet the requirements with preference given to proposals that accomplish all tasks at the end of calendar year 2024. 

This project lies entirely within Sequoia National Forest Lands on the Western Divide Ranger District. The GBI is implementing this project under a Supplemental Project Agreement pursuant to a Master Stewardship Agreement between GBI and the US Forest Service. 

This project consists of cutting and removal of dead trees up to 35 inches DBH in areas affected by high severity fire, and Hazard Tree cutting along roads accessing the project units. Ground-based logging is specified on ground that is generally less than 35% slope. The purpose of the project is to reduce hazardous fuels and prepare suitable ground for reforestation; and improve safety along NFS roads for the public, Forest Service staff, firefighters, emergency response personnel, law enforcement, private land in holders, contractors, and others by removing hazard trees that are within striking distance of roads. 




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