Support Great Basin Institute in Serving Public Lands in the West

French Fire Restoration Project

Vast view of a forest with surrounding mountains under a blue sky

French Fire Restoration Project

The Great Basin Institute (GBI), on behalf of the U.S. Forest Service (“Forest Service” or “FS”), Sequoia National Forest (SQF) and Kern River Ranger District (KRRD), intends to 

contract a qualified consultant to provide comprehensive National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Cultural Resource consulting services for the French Fire Restoration Project. 

The successful consultant will work closely under the direction of GBI’s Cultural Resources Project Manager to oversee the comprehensive work scope for this phase of project planning. The investment by the GBI and the SQF in this partnership is designed to better align the consultant early in the planning process with agency priorities and local land management needs, resulting in NEPA documents that better serve FS needs. 

The successful consultant will be selected through a competitive Request for Proposals (RFP) process. The period of performance will not surpass December 31, 2023, and the consultant will be expected to meet predetermined timelines for deliverables described below. 

Invitation For Bid

Written Response to Proposal Questions’

Intent to Award

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Vast view of a forest with surrounding mountains under a blue sky
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