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GBI Media Contest November 2021 Submissions

California Condors sitting on a metal bridge above a large canyon river

GBI Media Contest November 2021 Submissions

If you fear heights, you might not have guessed from AmeriCorps member Sierra Martin’s winning photo above that the theme of November’s media contest was “gratefulness”. Sierra, who works as a California Condor Monitoring Technician with The Peregrine Fund, however, expresses her appreciation of the experience well: “I am so thankful to be working with these amazing birds in this amazing place with some amazing people this season. Condors are so entertaining to be around and our crew is so incredibly passionate about them! I am thankful for hunters who choose to switch to non-lead ammunition, for the interest of the public in the conservation of condors, and for the opportunity to be a part of big change in such a special species. Thank you to The Peregrine Fund, GBI, and AmeriCorps for allowing me to participate in such a life changing opportunity. Pictured are condors 918 (X8) and 601 (01) sunning their 9.5 foot wingspans above the Colorado River. Condors sun their wings to keep warm and keep their feathers healthy under the UV rays. Man, these birds are cool!”

Scroll down to see more submissions. For our part, we’re grateful for the wonderful people who do this important work and snap these fantastic photos.

Matthew Ferlicchi, Research Associate, OHV Program Lead with Death Valley National Park. “Walking on the Edge. Coming across this single camel track ichnofossil, just barely on the edge of an outcrop of uplifted paleo-lacustrine sediments reminds me to feel grateful for opportunity. Grateful for having the opportunity to observe this wonderful reminder of the past before it erodes away, and grateful for the opportunity to work in such a place. Pictured: Furnace Creek Formation 3-7 Ma.”

Amy Wittmeyer, AmeriCorps, Sierra Nevada Carnivore Monitoring Program with Sierra and Sequoia National Forests. “I’m thankful for the amazing friends that I made this summer! This crew was the closest, most cohesive group I’ve had the privilege to work with since graduating college. Unfortunately, not everybody is pictured here, because we were such a large crew it was very difficult to get us all in one picture! This photo was taken during our vacation to Monterey Bay, during which we visited the Monterey Aquarium, went on a whale watch, and went tidepooling! Names of people in the photo, all of whom I have permission to share: Annabella Helman, Abby Weber, Chris Townsend, Ezmie Trevarrow, Jace Cobb, David Wimmer, and myself.”

Amy Wittmeyer. “I’m thankful for the opportunity to work in some beautiful places that people often have to take vacations to visit. This view is from the Dinkey Lakes Wilderness in Sierra National Forest. It was a long and tiring day (18+ miles), but truly one of my favorite days in the field this summer!”

Rebecca Finnigan, Research Associate, Compliance Archivist with Zion National Park. “On top of the world at Zion National Park. Grateful does not even begin to describe one of my first experiences at the park as I look ahead to so many more amazing opportunities waiting for me around every rock.”

Rebecca Finnigan. “Atop Kolob Canyon in Zion National Park sits an overlook trail, a trail from which the lucky hiker can not only see vast distances stretching to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, but also find a place of peace to contemplate the complexities of life and feel thankful for the opportunity to do so.”

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