For September’s media contest, our field personnel were challenged with the theme “Still Life Photography.” Unsurprisingly, they came through once again with some stunning images. Alissa Gardner, one of GBI’s Research Associate Program Coordinators (and the person who runs these wonderful contests) is right when she says, “we’ve got some artists out there.”
The winner of the contest, topping this page, is from Jenna Horiuchi, an AmeriCorps member who supports visitor services at Manzanar National Historic Site. “The rocks in this photo are part of Merritt Park, the largest of the Japanese gardens at Manzanar,” Jenna explains. “Dedicated staff on the Cultural Resources team, in conjunction with the help of volunteers, have excavated, mapped, and stabilized over 20 gardens. This style of garden commonly uses rocks and water as design elements meant to soothe and ground one’s spirit; in this photo, the foreground would have been filled with water and in the pool behind the rocks as well. Outside the frame is a waterfall feature and two bridges that span the ponds. Despite being dry, Merritt Park retains a calming solitude for today’s visitors. One can sit still on the boulders ringing the empty basins, taking in the view of Mt. Williamson and the Sierra Nevada range, and clearly sense the life that passed through this place long ago.”
Thanks to all who submitted to September’s contest. We hope you enjoy the selections in the gallery below.