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GBI Media Contest June 2020 Submissions

GBI Media Contest June 2020 Submissions

GBI has started cautiously redeploying field personnel, which means submissions to our monthly media contest will continue to roll in. Our June entries have been delightful, including images of smiling faces, blossoming flowers, vivid landscapes, and the magical “The Road to Yosemite,” this month’s winner (above), submitted by AmeriCorps member, Aaron Richards. Our thanks to Aaron and all who submitted for reminding us of the beautiful places that our work supports and of the excellent people that make it all happen.

Kristin Forgrave, Research Associate. “Campsite on an overlook in Death Valley while surveying for plants in a remote part of the park.”

Dean Sarger, Research Associate, Eldorado National Forest. “Contract herbicide inspection.”

Jesse Pruden, Research Associate. “James and Kelly innovating to carry the metal poles up to the study site. They were being installed in the forest plots for a research study looking at the effects of salvage logging.”

Bianca Saftoiu, AmeriCorp. “My fellow GBI Crew Members and I out for a Goshawk follow up.”

Kali Richardson, Research Associate. “My tele-workdays end with Death Valley sunsets.”

Kristin Forgrave, Research Associate, Death Valley. “Pollinator party! Found these butterflies enjoying a picnic while I was out surveying for rare plants.”

Aaron Ricahrds, AmeriCorps. “Fake Book Fake Fire”

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