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GBI Photo Contest December 2019 Submissions

GBI Photo Contest December 2019 Submissions

Though the holiday season is always a busy one, that didn’t stop GBI field personnel from sending in a wide selection of great pics for the December photo contest. This month’s winner is NCC Crew Member, Allison Hirvonen, who took the above photo at the Kershaw Ryan State Park trail project.

Our congratulations and thanks to Allison and our other entrants, whose photographic visions are on display below.

America Freeman, NCC Crew Member. Kershaw Ryan State Park trail project.

Joe Bozzo, Research Associate. “Sandra Mayne and I were up near Mt. Grant, NV on this Beautiful snowy day doing fence inspections. These fence inspections were to document whether the fences followed wildlife friendly specifications and had markers to keep our Bi-State Sage Grouse Population safe!”

Kathy Macco-Webster, NCC Crew Leader. Photo taken while doing desert clean up with the BLM in southern NV.

Kayla Hubbard, Research Associate. Tools of the trade.
“This photo was taken at Wupatki National Monument while conducting a topographic survey. The object in the front of the photo is a bench level and sighting scope used to read the numbers on the standing survey rod (waaaayy off in the distance of this photo). This survey was taken to help understand the hydrology and runoff patterns of the park. The survey will be used to design some sort of mitigation system to prevent any flooding/damage to the Pueblo ruins downslope of this location.”

Liza Noworyta, NCC Field Supervisor. Photo taken at Kershaw Ryan State Park on trail project.

Mike Shaw, NCC Crew Member. Photo taken at Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area doing burned area restoration with BLM.

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