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GBI Photo Contest October 2019 Submissions

GBI Photo Contest October 2019 Submissions

Nature, they say, offers solace and beauty. But when our media team offered a theme of “SPOOKY!” for the October photo contest, our field personnel brought out the darker side of our environment. The winner is AmeriCorps member Joshua Schuster who submitted the above picture of his archaeology crew in the Spring Mountains.

Enjoy these other submissions, eerie, startling, atmospheric… but still beautiful.

Cecilia Whitworth. Carson City AIM Aquatics crew: ” I took [this] after an intense thunderstorm just before sundown, which resulted in this blood-red rainbow of doom over the hills. It was one of the most incredible skies I’ve ever seen.”

Joshua Dietrich, NCC: The Walker Wildfire photographed from near Antelope Lake, Plumas National Forest.

Kesley Denning, Research Associate, Eastern Tahoe National Forest.

Kesley Denning, Research Associate, Eastern Tahoe National Forest.

Kelsey Graczyk, Research Associate, Joshua Tree National Park: “A desert sunset and a lone silhouette of a branch. The desert, while beautiful, can be deadly after the sun sets. It also felt very twilight zone-y!”

Kristin Forgrave, Research Associate, Death Valley.

Sarah Hancey, AmeriCorps member: ” Spooky Sunrise over the dry lake bed that Lake Bonneville left behind in Ibex, Utah. (BLM Land).”

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